set database: 8959 claw digger
Posted by
8:34 PM

theme: power miners
year: 2009
pieces: 197
prices: us$20
minifigs: 2
new theme.
come with a medium size mining vehicle.
the vehicle has a crusher claws swing up and down to smash apart rocks for the crystals inside.
has a shovel to scoop the rocks.
has 4 big spiky wheels.
has a big rear engine.
minifigs included a miner minifig and a rock monster minifig.
rock monster included sulfurix (lime green).
great playability.
overall design is good.
set database: 8960 thunder driller
Posted by
8:21 AM

theme: power miners
year: 2009
pieces: 235
prices: us$30
minifigs: 3
new theme.
come with a medium size mining vehicle.
the vehicle has a massive double-geared, auto-rotating planetary drill in front.
has a motor shield can be opened to display gearing system and stored crystals.
has 4 big spiky wheels.
minifigs included 2 miner minifigs and a rock monster minifig.
rock monster included firox (orange).
great playability.
overall design is good.
set database: 8961 crystal sweeper
Posted by
8:14 PM

theme: power miners
year: 2009
pieces: 474
prices: us$70
minifigs: 4
new theme.
come with a big mining vehicle.
the vehicle has an auto rotating harvester wheel to collect a huge cargo of crystals and drop them into its rear-mounted bucket.
has a side-mounted laser crane to drill through rock.
also has a orange motorcycle located on back of the vehicle.
included rock monster minifigs that can put on the double-launching catapult for firing them onto vehicle or miner minifigs.
minifigs included 2 miner minifigs and 2 rock monster minifigs.
rock monsters included meltrox (red) and glaciator (blue).
great playability.
overall design is good.
set database: 8014 clone walker batlle pack
Posted by
8:25 AM

theme: starwars, the clone wars
year: 2009
pieces: 72
prices: us$10
minifigs: 4
the clone wars movie set.
starwars minifigs army builder source.
minifigs included 2 clone croopers, clone gunner, clone commander and ARC trooper gear.
the walker is quite well designed.
great playability.
overall design is great.
must have for starwars lovers.
set database: 7751 ahsoka's starfighter
Posted by
8:28 PM

theme: starwars, the clone warsyear: 2009
pieces: 291
prices: £30
minifigs: 4
the clone wars movie set.
come with a starfighter.
the starfighter has wings that angled for firing missiles, working landing gear and droid compartment.
included a vulture droid that can convert from fighter to walker mode.
minifigs included ahsoka tano minifig, R7-A7 droid minifig and 2 buzz droid minifigs.
great playability.
overall design is good.
must have for starwars lovers.
set database: 7752 count dooku's solar sailer
Posted by
8:24 AM

theme: starwars, the clone warsyear: 2009
pieces: 385
prices: £40
minifigs: 4
the clone wars movie set.
come with a sleek solar sailer starship.
the ship has working cockpit and cargo bay doors to play inside vehicle, dual flick fire missiles and 4 moveable wings.
included a speeder.
minifigs included count dooku minifig, FA-4 pilot droid minifig and 2 magnaguard droid minifigs.
great playability.
overall design is good.
must have for starwars lovers.
set database: 8119 thunder race
Posted by
8:20 PM

theme: racers, tiny turbos
year: 2009
pieces: 48
prices: us$5
minifigs: none
new sub-theme in racers theme.
come with canister with wheel like shape.
suitable for boys' collection.
minifig is not included.
also not in minifig size car.
suitable for car playing only.
has an extra building instruction for combining with other set.
alot of stickers.
great only for parts.
overall design is good.
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