set database: 10195 republic dropship with AT-OT walker

year: 2009
pieces: 1758
prices: us$250
minifigs: 8
the clone wars movie set.
come with the famous republic dropship also known as laat/c (low altitude assault transport/carrier) and AT-OT (all terrain open transport) walker.
the dropship has an opening cockpit, rotating front and rear cannons, auto-firing missiles and armament bay, and a fold-away handle on top.
the walker has poseable legs, rotating cannons, crew compartment with weapon racks, and folding cockpit and boarding ramp.
the walker can be attached to and detached from the dropship with a switch.
the dropship also compatible with 7675 AT-TE Walker.
minifigs included 2 clone pilot minifigs and 6 clone trooper minifigs.
great playability.
overall design is great.
must have for starwars lovers.
nice article...