set database: 8038 the battle of endor

year: 2009
pieces: 890
prices: €100
minifigs: 12
released to celebrate the 10th anniversary of LEGO Star Wars.
come with an imperial bunker.
the bunker has sliding doors and explosion function.
included a firing catapult, an ewok glider, 2 speeder bikes and an AT-ST.
the walker has a walking mechanism.
minifigs included han solo minifig, princess leia minifig, chewbacca minifig, R2-D2 (classic deco) minifig, 2 rebel commando minifigs, 2 scout trooper minifigs, death star trooper minifig and 3 ewok minifigs.
great playability.
overall design is good.
must have for starwars lovers.